Friday, October 10, 2008

Thankful Thursday

I'm late again for this week's Thankful Thursday... Nevertheless, I would still post my list of thanksgiving this week to testify God's love and grace!

1) I thank God for the opportunity of being present for my Mom's 68th birthday. It was truly a blessed one.

2) I thank God for a safe journey from Thailand to the Philippines!

3) I'm thankful for the healing for my kids. They were not well last week.

4) I'm thankful for a sweet, loving and wonderful Hubby whom I miss so much already. Even though I know it'll be more difficult for him to be away from me and 2 kids but he willingly sacrificed, for us to spend more time with family in the Philippines.

5) I'm thankful for my family here in the Philippines. It's indeed great joy to see them and spend another 5 months with them here.

6) I'm thankful for God for who He is and what He is doing in my life!

Have a blessed weekend to ALL!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

this is a beautiful list of thanks to our Father! Thank you for sharing!! Happy TT!:)


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