Saturday, October 18, 2008

Setting Her Free

She’s been gone for more that 8 hours now. I can’t help but worry a bit on how she’s doing. But I know she’s in good hands.

Our Li’l girl used to be very clingy with us. Living in a foreign country without family members around, made her so attached with us that it’ll usually take a long time before she could go out alone without us. But just recently, I think before she turned 4 years old, she has become less clingy and more independent but she still chooses the familiar people to be with her.

I guess today is her breakthrough, 8 hours without her Amma and Appa but just with her Granny and Mamay. I’m somehow relieved that she has gotten past through her separation anxiety which means she must be very ready to go to school. Yeah, I know it’s so late but what to do, our circumstance is different.

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