Saturday, October 18, 2008

Long Distance Relationship

Once again, my Hubby and I found ourselves in a long distance relationship. We were apart for 10 months before engagement, then another 9 months after engagement, the 4 years ago, we were away for 72 days and now we will be separated for another 59 days.

I guess separation (physically) is one circumstance that one can not avoid in cross cultural marriage. We get separated physically because one partner has to go back home and the other one can not come along because of work. But thank God for hi technology and internet because even if we’re physically separated but we can still have constant communication through YM chat,, Skype, Gmail among others. There is still that option to call long distance like using Spectrotel long distance but then if it’s not urgent and we simply want to chat and communicate, all these free calls and chats would be sufficient for us. But nothing beats the live one-one chats and talks right? But anyways, it will be another 59 days to go and we can also say good bye to slow servers, constant disconnection and interruptions that comes along with these internet communication

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