Saturday, October 11, 2008

Life and Death

My Uncle passed away last week. So, today we were able to visit my Aunty and I was able to extend my condolences to her. My Aunty seem to be cool and at peace. I learned from my Mom that my Uncle (during his last days has truly committed his life to our Saviour. I believe that God has extended his life for the very purpose to know HIM. He was was diagnosed with colon cancer several years ago but survived. This time he had lung cancer but the only difference was, he was very much prepared to meet our Saviour.

My Aunty was present during his last few breaths. He was able to bid good bye to her and told her that God has indeed answer his prayer. We don't know what his prayer was all about but one thing for sure, God has answered the prayers of many people as he has come to the knowledge of him. It's sad to hear of someone pass away since that person will truly be missed but joy overflows once you know for sure that person has gained eternal life through Christ Jesus.

I could just imagine heaven now. My Tatay would have surely jumped with joy as they all welcomed my Uncle to the heavenly realms. My Tatay was one of the people who prayed for him too.

Speaking of life and death, some people are in search of free death records which I don't know for what purpose but there is a site that can help them with this search too.

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