Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Of Trends, Clothes and MMA Wear

When I was in Thailand, I was never too particular with trends and fashion. But, since I came everyone was talking about skinny pants, skinny pants. I didn’t have any idea what that was until my Mom who showed it to me and even gave me a pair. I’ve got a cool mom huh? So, immediately I wore one and was reminded of my college days when this was also one of the trends. So, the trend did come back.

Anyways, I know of some people who do not wear clothes because of the trend but more on to reflect their interests like sports or MMA and etc. So, as a result they wear MMA Clothing. For football fans they also wear their favorite team’s jersey.

For me, as long I’m wearing something presentable, may It be in fashion or out of fashion I’m already contented with it.

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