Friday, October 17, 2008

Saving For The Rainy Days

It's in the news everywhere. There is recession going on and all the stock market is down. I'm not really into economics and stuff but one I think I understand, there's indeed a financial crisis going on. It's about time to tighten our belts and think of ways and mean to save some money to 'survive' the worldwide financial crises.

Here are some of the way's I've thought of on saving for the rainy days:
  • Minimize eating out. Eating out really hurts the budget a lot. Instead of going out to eat at your favorite restaurants and food shops, why not organize cook outs or home dining cooking your favorite meal.
  • Turn off electrical equipment when not in use. They may not be much to people residing in other parts of the world. But here in the Philippines, electricity bills has indeed rose up. I was shocked to know how much my Mom pays for her monthly bill.
  • Always plan your trip to the grocery stores, shops and etc. You'll be amazed to discover the amount of gas or fares which translates to money when you plan. It avoids unnecessary, u-turns and detours and not to mention, you also save time.
  • Collect and Save on discount coupons or discount stickers. We use to do this when we were in Thailand and it's amazing how much you save and get things for free at the end of the month.

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