Friday, October 17, 2008

Thankful Thursday 12

It's Friday which means, I'm one day late for my Thankful Thursday entry. But even if I'm already late, I won't fail in giving thanks to God for what He has done this week.

  • I thank God for my kids have already adjusted a bit here. My boy used to be clingy and refused to go to anyone is already okay and goes to some people now.
  • I thank for for our Li'l boy has already turned 1 year on the 15th. Wow! Glory to GOD!
  • I thank God for more paid blogging tasks that's coming and could be more than enough to get back the money that I lost at the airport.
  • I thank God for His strength and joy that even if we're far away from Hubby but God's grace is sufficient.
  • I thank God for time being spent with family here in the Philippines.
  • I thank God that our girl is extremely enjoying her time here.
Praise God for everything that He has done and doing in our lives!

1 comment:

Denise said...

Be blessed sweetie.


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