Monday, October 20, 2008


I'm hungry and the more I got hungry when I was browsing through my photos and saw this. What is this , you might wonder. It's a 'Cream Puffs Tower' given by my Mom's friend (who owns a bakeshop) during my Mom's birthday. She gave two of this 'tower' and it's very yummy! The cream inside tastes like Bavarian Cream and the the 'dough' is poured with sweet caramel. Simply delicious!

We're very thankful for my Mom's friend who didn't just bake a beautiful birthday cake for her but also gave two additional 'Cream Puffs Tower' which made the table look more grand. Thank God for thoughtful and generous friends!

1 comment:

Mariz said...

yum..yum! that cream puff tower looks great! i'm sure everyone enjoyed it...

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