Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Yummy Sunday err... Tueday

This must be the latest Yummy Sunday entry.. but I only remembered to post mine after I've eaten the yummy pizza brought by my bro in law. He just came from Manila and brought a HUGE Sbarro pizza for the family. Their pizza was really huge, heavy and heavenly .. hahaha! It really tasted to good that I was already halfway through my pizza and only then I remembered about my Yummy Sunday's entry. And then I have to rush and get my camera to take a photo before everyone finish it. :) We are all pizza lovers in our family, so we don't count on pizza leftovers for breakfast.

It's my first time to eat Sbarro and I immediately love it! Too bad we don't have Sbarro here in Cagayan de Oro City. I thank God for surprising us with great food even in times of a tight budget. :)


Anonymous said...

it's a good thing you remembered love.. at least we all could see Sbarro. I don't think we have Sbarro in Malaysia.

It's okay lah. Yummy Sunday is all week round. You can post anytime of the week.

Melissa said...

That's a very yummy looking pizza. I love pizza and i haven't tried Sbarro's pizza. hope to try one soon. thanks for the share...Im Melissa, from Cagayan de oro too...

Aisha said...

And fattening! LOL! I have never tried it but would love to someday. There's one at the mall here.


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