Thursday, November 27, 2008

Help for the Home

I was like a Princess for 2 weeks. Whenever I needed to do something, there was someone I could ask to take care of my kids. Whenever I wanted something to be done, I had someone I could ask to do. I was a bit free.. free to go out and send my daughter to school without bringing Lyle around because, someone can take care of him in the house. I had more time to do my writing tasks, more time to read, and more time for myself. That's because , we had a househelper.

Our lives were easier with her. She could do her work fast and efficiently. Even if she's not so fond of children but at least I could leave my Li'l boy with her for awhile . It was indeed a great 2 weeks for me.

Last Sunday, our househelper asked permission to go back to her hometown to attend their town fiesta. We already suspected that she might not come back and so we asked her to tell us the honestly, if she's still coming back. She said, YEs because she liked it here. We believed her word.

But were disappointed to learn today that she's not coming back, it seems her parents did not let her come back. There's a long story behind it but the conclusion is, we don't have a househelper anymore. Anyways, at least I was able to take a short rest and enjoyed my 2 weeks break. Thank God for those weeks with someone to help us at home. Now, it's back to reality with me taking care of the kids. I can't wait for Hubby to come and things will ease up back again. :)

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