Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Faith and Feelings

" Is there anything too hard for Me too do?" That was God's question for Abraham when He told them that Sarah was to conceive.

This was actually last Sunday's message in the church and it has been ringing in my ears after I've chatted with my Hubby this evening. You see, we've been planning, desiring and asking God for something. But if we humanly look at our present situation, it's like it's truly impossible for that plan to push through. My Hubby and I were at the verge of deciding whether to Let Go of that plan or desire and move on OR continue to push and pray about it. I was so much tempted to 'let go' so that I won't have to think about anything anymore. But then, I was reminded of God's word last Sunday that says " I am the God of all flesh, is there anything too hard for me to do?" Then, I realize that God must be asking us to push through and continue to trust HIM. That is faith. Faith is in action when all the surroundings and situation around cries out "it's impossible!" or "it can't be done!". Faith is when we just hold on to our Lord and say, " Okay, Lord. I will trust you. I know that You can do anything. Show us Lord. Show us your hand moving in our lives." AMen!

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