Friday, November 28, 2008

Of Tactical Gears and Childhood Memories

I'm browsing through the site now about tactical gear. I'm not planning to buy any since I'm not into the military but then looking at it reminds me of my Tatay.
My Tatay is the outdoor type of person, he loved hunting, camping and all the different kinds of adventures. He had almost all the 'military' gadgets and gear. When I was younger, I used to go with him with his friends every Sunday to hunt some birds and he also taught me to use the air rifle. I really had fun during my elementary and pre-teenage years. I remember, we climbed up Mt Kitanglad. We never reached the peak though but it was really memorable, sleeping in the tent and looking at the stars that seemed so near and reachable. What made it more fun was that our family friends' kids also went up with us. We would laugh at how the fog comes out of our mouths every time we talked. Oh, how I miss those times.. I wonder if my children will also have the opportunity to camp out in the mountains and experience the those things that I've experienced as a child.
Anyways, if you're interested about 5.11 Tactical gears, you can check out their site and see a variety of great products.

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