Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Upcoming Field Trip!

This Friday will be our girl's first Field Trip in School. She indeed has a lot of "Firsts" ever since she attended school at Little Evangel Christian School in Nazareth. Anyways, here's the itinerary for their field trip. Looking at it already makes me so excited for her. I just loved field trips when I was still in school. Anyways, I'll get a chance to reminisce my elementary days as I will be accompanying Tricia for the field trip. So, here's their itinerary:

  • Fire Station - This is the first stop. I haven't been to the Fire Station myself and I wonder what's inside.
  • Police Station - Hmmmm.. I'm not so sure what they're going to do there or what are the interesting things to see..
  • Post office - This week, the students made Christmas cards. So, this Friday they're going to mail the it themselves.
  • Pizza Hut- This is the most exciting part of the trip. The kids will make their own pizza and the Mommies get to eat...este..taste them.. hmm.. Yum!
I'm sure all the children will have a great Friday Tomorrow!

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