Thursday, November 13, 2008

Craving for Pastel!

I was doing a series of posts about Camiguin in my travel blog because we are planning to go there at the end of this year. One of my posts was about Camiguin's famous delicacy, the Pastel. After I blogged about it, I couldn't help but crave for it.

So today I had a chance to satisfy my cravings because we went to Robinson's Store and saw boxes and boxes of these yummy buns. We only bought a box of 6 pieces since it's a bit expensive, 68 Pesos for the 6 piece box, that's like 10 pesos per bun.

When we came home I immediately mixed a cup of Nescafe's Hazelnut Coffee ( 1st time trying it too) and savoured the extra rich and creamy Camiguin Pastel. So, Yummy!! Thank God for giving us even the simple pleasures in life.

1 comment:

Aisha said...

Pastellllll! Di biya kaayo ko hingaon ani pero karon murag maaddict nako. LOL


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