Monday, November 10, 2008

Of URban Zone and Interior Design

Last night, I stayed up late and was able to watch the show called Urban Zone in TV. It's a TV show that features different houses with great designs. Last night, they showed the Dream House of a ex famous tennis player who now works in the Bank. They really have a beautiful home and it has that modern and functional design. Everything was planned out well even to the most minute detail of the house. Personally, I like houses with modern designs. I like my house to be modern but still with that cozy feel. Anyways, it's great to see the family, who had a ' dream home' but now their dream has become a reality. I wonder how many years it took them to save up for their house.

It's really inspiring to see other people's dream come true. What about you? What's your dream house and how does it look like? You might want to check out Schumacher Homes Louisiana and who knows your 'dream house' won't just remain in your dreams but can become a reality.

Back to the show, I guess I'll have to regularly watch this show every Monday and once again, be refreshed about Interior Design and stuff, since this was what I studied back in University. Sometimes I forget that I used to have a creative side, that's why I need to be constantly be reminded and refreshed. :)

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