Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Trip to the Hairdresser

Since our daughter has already been going to school, we decided to have her hair cut short for easy "maintenance". Her hair has already become long and 'unruly', covering her eyes and face. From the morning, I already conditioned her that we will be going to the Salon for a hair cut. It'll be her first time to the Salon so, I was not so sure if she'll agree to have her hair cut by someone she doesn't know. I was the only one who cut her hair last year and I think I didn't do a very good job as it was uneven. So, off we went to Salon de France at Lim Ket Kai Center.

The lady who gave her a haircut was so gentle and friendly. They immediately became friends. Surprisingly, Tricia was excited to sit and see herself from the big mirror. I'm sure she felt like a grown up. While her hair is being cut shorter and shorter, she kept asking if her girl cousins have had hair as short as her. I was a bit worried that she would find her hair too short and end up crying. So, I assured her that all her Ate's ( big cousins) have short hair like her. Then, finally after seeing the final result, she also liked it and had a big smile on her face. The hairdresser kept telling her that she looked like Gretchen Barreto ( Indian Version), but of course our girl doesn't have any idea who Gretchen Barreto is. hehehe!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

really looks nice on her. she does look like gretchen barreto indeed... but she also reminded me of paris hilton. she cut her hair this short too.


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