Thursday, November 20, 2008

My Pre- Christmas TO-DO List

11 more days to go and it'll be the 1st of December. December is on of the busiest time of the year and I think the costliest too. But as with every Christmas season, it's always a great blessing to remember the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ and along with this is the time spent with family, friends and love ones. So, here are my Pre- Christmas list.

  • Start planning for our Christmas Decoration. Decorating our house here is quite a challenge, since there's not much space inside. So, i guess I have to think of decorating more of the exterior ' garden area' than the interior.
  • Search for the cheapest and nicest Christmas Decors. I've seen the Christmas trees of all sizes from the malls and it's quite expensive. The other day, we saw a bunch of painted twigs for only 100 pesos. So, i guess I'll have to settle with that and have to go to Cogon/Taiwanese area and Bohol trading to search for more cheap decors.
  • Plan and start marketing our planned Cake Business for December. Anyone wants to order some Chocolate moist cake?
  • Plan something for the kids. Last year I made an Advent Calendar for Tricia. She really loved it and through it understood for the real meaning of Christmas. I plan to do with for her and her cousins this year. But I still have to think of my budget and time. Imagine, I'll be making for 5 kids! But I'm sure they'll love it.
Ok..I guess that's all for now. As you can see it's more on planning and not the 'doing' yet. That means, I just need some time to sit down, think and plan all these things and then I'll be set. :) What abou you? What are you Pre Christmas List of things to do?

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