Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Be the Asean XML Superstar!

XQuery, XML and DB2…

Are you familiar with these terms or do they look like foreign words to you? Well, as for me I’m only familiar with the term XML. Thanks to 'blogging' because through it, my ‘knowledge’ on some internet or computer terms has widened. My Hubby is sometimes amazed that I could easily change my blog template with all the HTML codes and stuff. What he doesn't know is that the templates I use are all ready made. All I have to do is just to copy and paste the code and Blogger does all the extra work. Though, sometimes there are some code problems that I still needed to fix myself.

Anyways, speaking about all these techie and computer stuff, are you one of the gifted techie people in IT? There is a contest that can show your skills on XML and database management. If you're like me who's a newbie or don't have prior knowledge about XML at all, this contest is also open for us to learn more about these new technologies that will help increase our marketability in the IT industry. Then I suggest that you join the IDUG Contest. You want to learn more about the IDUG contest and win awesome prizes? Then, check it out! Who knows you might be the next Asean XML Superstar!


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