Thursday, November 20, 2008

Discipline Without Shouting or Spanking

When we went to Toy Kingdom last weekend , a book caught my eye. It's a book on parenting entitled, Discipline Without Shouting or Spanking by Jerry Wyckoff and Barbara C. Unell. Disciplining a child comes in many forms and as much as possible I would not want to always shout or spank my Li'l girl. Of course, I don't want to spare the rod but I believe that there's a right time and way to use it and not it anger, or else it's not Disciplining anymore but more on Punishment :). As my preschooler grows up, her will also becomes so strong that it sometimes frustrates me as a parent. I admit that there were times, I responded to her in anger. Every night I would pray to God for patience and wisdom on how to discipline our Li'l girl. So, when I saw the book, I didn't have second thoughts on buying it and I think I will be collecting more books about this topic. I guess it's one area that I will have to pray about and learn as our children grows up.

Anyways, I already started to read the book and it's a good one. Every Chapter discusses different Behaviors, Prevention of each behavior, Solving the problem and the Don'ts. It's very practical and the parents have a freedom to choose and try out the different suggestions in the book.

Even if I'm already a parent of 2 kids with a 4 year old and 1 year old, I really feel like newbie Mom on this area again. I guess it's because my girl is in another stage in her development where my old tried ways of disciplining efforts are not longer that effective. heheheh!

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