Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Train Up A Child ...

Our daughter is four years and a half now. As I've told my Hubby during one of our chats, parenting is more challenging as years go by. I can't imagine how it is raising teenagers! :)

It is every parents' dream to have a well-behaved, disciplined and obedient child. But as much as we would like to admit, our kids are not perfect. They're of course the apple of our eyes and our love for them is immeasurable but we have to accept their weaknesses and strengths, teach them what is right and train them to respect and obey God, the elders and other people as they grow older. Sounds easy? Oh.. not at all!

At the end of the day, after all the 'disciplining' efforts have been exhausted, I run to God and ask for help on how to take care, nurture and train the our child. It's not an easy task and we all need God's wisdom, strength and patience to mold these little people to become the people God wants them to be.

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