Monday, November 24, 2008

The Field Trip

Last Friday was my Li'l Girl's first field trip from school. They went to different places to meet some 'community helpers' like the firefighters , policemen and etc.

So, the first stop was at the Fire Station where they met a real Fireman and saw the Fire Truck up close.
The students lining up to go inside the fire station

Then they went to the Police Station where they saw a re enactment of how a 'bad man' is being arrested and put into jail. :)

TNext stop was at the Park, where they just played and had 'exchanging of gifts'

This is Gaston Park, Cagayan de Oro Cityy!!!

Then the Post Office where they mailed the Christmas cards which they especially made for their loved ones.

And last but not the least, they went to Pizza Hut to make their own pizza. Yes, they made their own pizza and I'll write a separate post for that.

Future Chef??

Thank God that it was indeed a fun filled day for our Li'l girl ( and the mom too!). She truly enjoyed her time and experienced a lot of things that she wouldn't have experienced if she's not in school.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! what a nice field trip....


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