Friday, November 21, 2008

24 Days to Go!

I'm sure people must be tired of my countdown before my Hubby arrives. I can't help but be excited to see, hold and talk to my HUbby without limits. Lone distance relationship is quite a challenge especially in terms of communication. Even though we chat, send sms and talk on the phone everyday but then it seems not to be enough. There were time both of us got frustrated because it's either my internet connection or his connection is slow and therefore difficult to chat. Phone calls are also quite expensive so our calls are quite limited. My Hubby calls me from his hand phone and I guess it's more expensive than using phone cards. But I'm sure he could get some Philippine phone cards from there.

Anyways, another 24 days to go.. that's exactly 3 weeks and 3 days! I can't wait to talk and be with my Hubby.. :)

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