Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thankful Thursday 14

It's Thursday once again and I'm glad that I could join and post in today's Thankful Thursday. God is indeed our great healer, provider and friend. Here's my Thankful list for this week:

  • I thank God for the healing of our Li'l boy, he had very high fever for 3 days last week. I got scared for a moment but then God is so good and he showed his healing after ' One Dramatic Moment'.
  • I thank God that as my Hubby and I pray for time to pass by fast, it's indeed flying! Another 25 days and our family will be reunited here in the Philippines! Thank you Lord!
  • I thank God for answering our prayers in pouring out his blessings on our family especially as we save up for our "Big Trip". I'm grateful for the writing tasks I'm receiving daily.
  • I thank God for renewing my passion and love for His Word. How beautiful it is to drink and be refreshed in His Word daily.
  • I thank God for a great time with family here in the Philippines.
What's your thankful list this week? If you want to join this meme, just click the banner above.

1 comment:

Denise said...

Thank God for watching over your dear son.


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