Saturday, November 29, 2008

High School Years

One of the memorable years in life is the High School years. I surely had fun during those years and was able to create long lasting friendship. It was a time of fun and knowledge in a safe and healthy environment.

But what's sad these days in some parts of the world especially in the US is that the schools are not that safe anymore as more and more acts of violence, discrimination and abuse and taking place. I remember the chat I had with my friend who is in US. She opted to homeschool all her kids because the schools near their house were not safe and she would end up getting worried about her kids.

That's why homeschool system and online education are quite common in the US and other parts of the world. I've heard of an Online Education site that's great for High School students. It's called Brightstorm and as I've toured through the site, I found it a fun and a hip way to be educated. you might want to check it out and sign up for Sign up for a free brightstorm acocunt. Just click this for a free account and a chance to explore the site.


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