Friday, November 28, 2008

The 1st Goal Reached

A few months ago, while I was just starting this so called paid blogging career, my Hubby and I were discussing if we could reach X amount of dollars by December. I thought long and hard and said, maybe it's possible but it all depends if God willl allow to let me get PR then I'll have more opportunities to write. Then, at the end of September, I did get my PR and more opportunities to write paid posts were quite regular. Little did I realize that I already reached our first goal last week! Praise the Lord for this extra blessings! A portion of that blessings were used to pay off our flight tickets which we bought in coming here to the Philippines and a portion of it is being saved up for our Big Trip. Now, the question is, will the 2nd goal be reached enough to save up for the Big trip?? Well, with God anything is possible!!

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