Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thankful Thursday 13

It's been a month since I've posted my last Thursday Thankful List. Even if it's already Thursday Night here, I would still like to post my entry for this week since I miss being a part of this Meme.

  • I thank God that this week marks our one month stay here in the Philippines. Time went by so fast another month passed by and it means we only have another month of waiting before Hubby comes! We're excitedly waiting for that reunion!
  • I thank God that we were able to get someone to help us in the house. She's a nice, Christian girl and very hardworking. I thank God that I could rest a bit and could spend some extra time for myself. I didn't have this luxury in time for the past years.
  • I thank God for refreshing me in every aspect of my life. I haven't realized that I've been so drained and dry for a long time. Praise God that His love is new every morning.. Great is His faithfulness.
If you want to join in this weekly meme, you can click on the icon above. God Bless you all!!


Denise said...

Thanks for sharing your blessings.

Anonymous said... seems that you have such a blessed week.

enjoy the rest of the days. i know you missed hubby na.

Grammy said...

I am so glad things are going better for you.
This is a wonderful post.
Thank you.

Aisha said...

I also didn't get to join TT for a while. It's good to see what you are thankful to God this week.

Laurie Ann said...

Welcome back to thankful thursday! Great post!

Anonymous said...

hello love...your blessed. ^_^

got something for you HERE. hope you can grab it. thanks!


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