Saturday, November 8, 2008

A Package from Thailand

We received some gifts today.. all the way from Thailand!! My Hubby sent some gifts for all of us here : a beautiful blouse for me , a dress for Tricia, a jumpsuit for Lyle, Tea from Chiang Mai for the whole family and individual letters for me and the kids! WoW! It was so thoughtful of my loving Hubby and I'm just so blessed.

Tricia saw the letters first and she exclaimed that, " Appa gave us a card!". When I told her that Appa also wrote a special letter for her, her eyes twinkled and she was so happy! I let her read the cover of the letter by herself so she'll know that it's really for her. The more she got excited. Then I read the letter aloud to her and she was smiling all the way! So sweet Appa!

Ohhh, receiving all these stuff made me miss my Hubby more. How I wish he could just send himself for all of us to be together.. heheh! But it's okay, there's another 35 more days to go and we will all be together again! Thank you Lord for letting the days pass by fast. Thank you Lord for being with us as we're going through this months of separation. We continue to trust you as you take care of us. Amen!

1 comment:

Aisha said...

:) That's so sweet! When mo magkita usab?


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