Monday, November 17, 2008

One 'Dramatic' Moment

A mother's heart is really different. Even though one is already assured of God's protection and healing but then once it's your child that's inflicted with sickness, it's really affects a mother's emotion.

This happened when our Li'l Boy was sick and had a very high fever last week. We already went to the Doctor for a check up and the doctor said, it's only viral fever. He just prescribed paracetamol and said that it'll be gone in 3 days. I consistently gave paracetamol on the dot, but then Lyle's fever didn't subside at all. It remained to be 39 degrees for 2 days. I regularly gave him cold compress since his body was too hot and at the same time prayed and laid hands on him.

Then on Friday, he was already so weak and his fever reached 39.5. I got worried and asked my brother in law to call the doctor ( who's his friend) and the Doctor said not to worry since a viral fever's symptom is usually high fever and asked us to go to his clinic on Monday if fever persists. It was only Friday and I couldn't wait for Monday to go to his clinic. I didn't want to see my boy so weak. ( He's normally an active and happy boy) I was really scared that it might be Dengue fever since we live in the ' deep forest' with a lot of mosquitos.

Then, Hubby called up and asked to talk to Lyle. Normally, Lyle giggles and makes some sounds when he hears his Appa's voice on the phone. But on that particular time, he was just so still, his eyes staring blankly at the wall and there wasn't any reaction from him at all. He looked so weak and pitiful. Then, I couldn't control my emotions anymore. I prayed and cried. I didn't want to let my Hubby ( who's thousand of miles away) know that I was crying so I just turned off the phone. My Mom ( who was just at the back of me) also saw Lyle so weak and saw me crying . She also cried. But then the phone rang again and the ringtone of that phone was a fast beat music. And when it rang, we saw Lyle who was lying down, dancing at the beat of the ring tone!! Seeing this, my mom and I laughed so hard because it was like he was telling us he was ok. When he saw us laughing, he also laughed in return!! Woohh! Then I felt released, Lyle's ok and then there was just so much of assurance of God's healing after that. And indeed, a few minutes later, his fever subsided and never returned. Praise the Lord!


Phebie said...

ga drama ra diay pod c Lyle te...Bata pa actor na!hahahha

Unknown said...

Praise the LORD for HIS healing!


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