Monday, November 10, 2008

A Drawing for Appa

Finally, our Li'l girl slept off. It took her quite sometime to sleep. She was just lying down with her eyes wide open as if thinking of something. Then, she took her notebook and pen and drew something. Then, she showed me her drawing. "This is Appa!" then teary eyed she said, " I miss Appa so much!.. I want to be with Appa!" And cried. I had to reassure her that ' soon Appa will be with us'. I didn't dare tell her that it'll be another 34 days and nights before that reunion because I'm sure she'll be overwhelmed with the number. She can only expertly count up to 20! so 34 will be so far out for her I guess. hehhehe!

Even if she seemed to be enjoying her time so much here but I guess she also can't help but miss her Appa too. It's exactly 32 days since she last saw her Appa. And I could still recall how she said good bye to my Hubby with the frosted glass separating them. That was a very touching moment.

Now, I can't help but wonder, is it too long for us to be physically separated with my Hubby? That even now, even our daughter feels the lonliness and "missing missing"?It's another 34 days to go before we see each other again and it's really my prayer that the days will just pass by so fast!

1 comment:

Aisha said...

:( I think kids feel more than we do. I hope time will go by fast so you all will be reunited.


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