Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Chocolates, Anyone?

I love chocolates! This is one known fact that all my family and close friends know about me. From Cadbury's Chocolates to Ricoa's Curly Tops - I love them all! In fact, there's one box of Curly Tops in front of me right now. This is one of the food item that I never miss whenever I'm in the Philippines. Whenever I eat this, I remember my childhood days and feel like a kids again.heheh!

Yes, I know.. I know, Chocolates are fattening and adds more thickness in the middle. But what to do? But guess what, there's a bit of good news! Do you know that chocolates can help you lose weight especially in the middle? Dark Chocolate that is. There's a reseach that discovered that eating healthy fats (Monounsaturated Fatty Acids or MUFAs) at every meal helps you lose weight especially at the middle. MUFAs are a type of heart-healthy, disease-fighting, "good" fat found in foods like almonds, peanut butter, oliver oil, avocado and dark chocolate. This is what the Flat Belly Diet is based. Wouldn't it be nice to have a 'diet' that includes chocolate in the menu? You might want to try this diet since they're recruiting a limited number of participants who want to try the Flat Belly Diet for free and blog about it.


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