Saturday, November 8, 2008

Cake Business

Sorry this is the only Photo I can show.. made by me and my Li'l girl.

Christmas is coming and my sis and I have decided to do a bit of business for the season. We will be baking some Christmas goodies and cakes! I've sold some Christmas Cakes and goodies a few years ago, when I was still single. And I remember sleeping off at Christmas Eve because I was so tired of baking layers and layers of cake! Praise God that I had a lot of cake orders at that time. I was able to save up some money to go to Thailand.

Anyways, if you want to order a layer of delicious Chocolate Moist or a box of Christmas goodies with assorted cakes, bars and cupcakes. Then, you can start making some orders now. I'll be posting photos and costs soon.

It's always good to start a business. When I was in Thailand, I signed up for eBay thinking that I could start selling some Thai stuff online. It was so easy to register but I never get to work on it as I got busy with kids. I've heard of some people who has had some great success with Ebay, selling some second hand items in their house that they rarely use. Maybe, I'll have to work on Selling on eBay again. But first, let me think of what to sell from here first.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! She looks prettier...look like a teenager already..missing her so much...oy


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