Thursday, September 23, 2010

When They Grow Up

My friend and I were just talking about our kids. She told me of how her boy has grown up so fast and now refuses to be hugged and kissed by her in public. I now boys will really have to grow in that stage where they will grow up and be embarrassed to be seen with the mom. These will also be the times when they will be so conscious about their looks and buy all the promotional products available.

The reality that my boy will grow up to be a young man has somehow led me to always cherish these times when he is still small and enjoys unlimited hugs and kisses by me. Though sometimes I wish that he will grow up fast and independent but now part of me wants to hold on these times when I can cuddle him to the maximum.

1 comment:

janet said...

that is so true, Love. My boy is now embarrassed to be kissed when I send him to school. sigh.


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