Tuesday, September 7, 2010

8th Year Anniversary

7th of September 12:00 Midnight. Hubby prepared Roti and Chayen on the dining table and gave me a bouquet of red roses. It's our 8th year anniversary as Husband and Wife. :)

Praise God for the wonderful 8 years of marriage! As we look back, we have seen how God has brought us together and been with us through the years. The 8 years have truly been beautiful! Yes, there were dashes of challenges and stresses along the way, but it was through those where our love matured and our commitment were tested.. and from there we learned more, understood each other more, loved more and now moving on to greater heights.

To my Hubby, thank you so much for such LOVE that you have for me and the kids. Words are not enough to describe such love and affection for us and all the things you've done. You are indeed one of a kind and I'm just soo much blessed to have you as my Husband, my bestfriend, my partner and my everything! I love you more and more as the years go by!


And as a part of our anniversary celebration, I'm thankful for my cousin who is willing to take care of our kids, so Hubby and I can have our dinner date. Yippee!

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