Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Proud of My Li'l Girl

Hubby just had a chat with the school principal yesterday as he fetched our girl from school. I'm so happy with the report of Tricia's teacher about her performance in class. The teacher seemed to have told the principal that Tricia is a very good student and learns very fast. And even if she's not a local Thai, she is even better than many of her Thai classmates especially in Thai reading an writing. Wow! I was so happy with that report. I've always thought that Tricia's on the average side when it comes to her Thai subjects since I don't expect her to fully understand her class. You see, she's in a local Thai school and the medium of instruction of all subject is Thai except for her once a week English class. I myself don't pressure her when it comes to her homework and stuff since my real 'goal' for her Thai school is for her to socialize with other kids and for her to learn a bit of Thai. And since I consider her Thai school as supplementary to her home school, we also don't send her everyday of the week. In a week, she will at least miss a class or two. Opppss..

But all in all, I thank God for our li'l girl. I thank God for giving her wisdom in everything she does and especially the joy to go to school even if she's the only 'foreigner' in that local school.

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