Saturday, September 11, 2010

The PO Box Key

Oh, our PO Box key is lost again. It was with the motorbike key and that is also missing. I just don't know where they ran off together. :)

But seriously though, Hubby just had that PO Box key replaced as it has also been misplaced last year. And to replace it, we had to pay some kind of a 'punishment' fee as I would call it that is so expensive ( for me). Hmm.. maybe we will just have to give up our PO Box. Anyways, we can use our house address now to receive mails and packages. And with more people using the internet, we mostly communicate through emails, Skype, Yahoo Messenger, Facebook and the like now. So, sending letters, postcard mailing service and cards are slowly getting to be obsolete. Even real gifts are being replaced by virtual gifts now. Yeah, and some of these virtual gifts are actually being bought with a price.

Anyways, back to PO Box key. I still hope that we can find that. We have to return it to the post office whether or not we want to continue with our subscription.

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