Saturday, September 25, 2010


I completely forgot. I was trying to recall and think when is Thailand's Independence day when I saw a lot of flags lately, but only remembered that Thailand doesn't have one, since they were never conquered by any country in the first place. How silly of me! Now, I remember why this country is also known as "Land of the Free".

So, their national day actually falls on the King's birthday which is on the 5th of December. This is one of the most awaited and most significant occasions in the country. The Thais really respect their King so much. They are also quite patriotic and proud to display their national flags like car flags or stick flags any time of the year.

Anyways, my hubby and I together with our kids have been in this country for several years now. I've grown to love this place and its people. As my Hubby says, this is more like a home to us than any of our own respective countries since this is where we spent most of our time as a couple and as a family. Praying that indeed God will bless this nation with His presence and His grace. God bless Thailand!

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