Wednesday, September 15, 2010

English Classes in the Province
Time really flies fast. Another 2 more weeks and then the English courses that we're conducting in the province will be over. I'm sure the teachers are going to miss the students. I myself only taught the students a few days and I grew to like them and appreciate their attentiveness and interest in learning ( except maybe for one or tw0).

Blogging about this also reminds me to continue to make the student's workbook that they will be using next 2 weeks. we've been kinda busy developing the curriculum for this specialized English class for resort, hotel, restaurant, travel agencies' owners and staff. And I just thank God for the various materials and resources to be found in the internet. If not for the internet, it would be very difficult coming out with a curriculum for this.

I think I could have taken Education as my degree in the University. I'm finding out now that most of the work that I do these days are in that department. Though I'm not so keen in teaching, but I like developing curriculum, activities and materials for any English course. Hmm.. I could have research degrees before I took mine. But then, interior design was interested me so much in the past and still no regrets about it because I know that experience wasn't wasted.

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