Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Intermission: HCG

If you've followed my fitness blog, you could have already known that I'm trying to be fit and healthy and tried out a lot of things but failed. Well, I guess it's time to stop trying and start living a healthy lifestyle. But sometimes, I can't help but get excited over what other people do to lose their weight. Now, I've just heard about the hCG diet. I really don't know much about hCG but I've seen a bit of recipes and foods allowed on the hcg diet and it does seem like a healthy diet for me.

But anyways, I won't be doing this yet as I plan to simply eat healthily and stick to it. So, far I did start to eat healthily, ate a lot of fruits and vegetables but I didn't stick to it for a long time. So, I guess my problem is being consistent and being well motivated all the time.

I still have to continue with my regular exercise and now I don't have any excuses left since I already have all the necessary gadgets with the exercise video. Everything will have to start tomorrow since Hubby and I are still going to dine out tonight. I want to enjoy my dinner date with him and of course, enjoy the buffet dinner too. :)

So, tomorrow will be a start of a healthy and new me! LOL!! I will continue to write my updates in my fitness blog and hopefully, I will be consistent this time and won't give myself any breaks in between, because it's during the short 'breaks' that I fall of the wagon and start eating unhealthy food again.

All the best to me! And hopefully next year, on this same date, September 7, I will be able to show you a new me.. LOL!

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