Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Silver Crown

My li'l girl's root canal has already been done! Praise God because she was indeed brave enough to go through the whole procedure. Of course, she cried when they were giving her the injection but after that she was okay.

Last Sunday, was her 2nd session for the treatment and also the fixing of her crown. The crown was 'silver' in color. Of course, they didn't fix the porcelain crown ( thank God!) because her tooth was still a baby tooth so, it'll go off when she turns 12. Our li'l girl didn't expect her tooth to be silver too. And she was worried and cried after seeing her treated tooth with a different color. I had to console her and tell her that it's cool to have a silver crown. I convinced her more by telling her that I even love to wear silver jewelry so, it's okay to have a silver tooth. When her Appa came to fetch us, her Appa jokingly told her too that whenever we don't have money, we will take her tooth out to exchange her silver tooth with money because her tooth is expensive..LOL! It's almost like we buy gold as an investment huh? So, after that, our girl was already happy with her silver tooth and was showing it to everyone. Whew!

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