Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Stained Glass

Hubby just had a chat with our neighbor this afternoon. He is actually an interior designer and he was excited to know that I also have a degree in ID. He told Hubby that now he knows why our house is quite different with a nice stained glass door. Anyways, he also asked if I could help him out with his projects some time. But I politely refused and told him that I've already forgotten all I've learned in school after more than 10 years of being out of the ID field. It's true, I sometimes even forget that I'm an ID graduate. LOL! But anyways, now that I remembered, I'm also quite curious to know how it would be like if I go back to this career. But admittedly though, I don't think I'll do very well anymore unless I get to have some refresher's course or updating of the newest ID technology and trends. As far as I remember, I'm only aware of the Cheap Blinds, paints, wallpapers and other fixtures available in HomePro. Other than that, I'm already outdated and uninformed.

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