Thursday, September 23, 2010

Reading All the Letters

I'm very much into "Letter based" movies now. A few nights ago, I watched the "Letters to Juliet" movie, followed by "Letters to God" and lastly " Dear John". I would have to say that all these movies are very nice with "Letters to God" leaving me crying and truly inspired. The other letters were feel good movies too but more on the romantic side. I was relieved that "Dear John" ended happily as I've always been left teary eyed with Nicolas Sparks books' based movies.

As I'm writing this now, my kids are watching "Letters to God". I would have to ask a feedback from them after watching the movie. :)

If you haven't watched this movie yet, I suggest you grab a copy and be inspired.. " You are a letter... not with pen and ink but with the Spirit of the Living God." 1 Corinthians 3:3

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