Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sorry, Amma

I Love You, Thank You and Sorry. These are the 3 most precious phrases that I love to hear from my kids. I'm glad that my kids are quick to say all these phrases and most of the time without telling them to say so.

I especially find it so cute when my toddler who still can't speak with clarity utter those phrases which sound more like .. I wove you! Thanchu! and Sowi! So cute!

Anyways, when someone is at fault, it's always a must to say sorry and be forgiven. But in legal matters, sometimes it's not enough to say sorry. There are consequences for certain actions and that's why a lawsuit is being filed. Let's just say for example the Accutane Lawsuit or Trasylol lawsuit . The severe injuries or damages could have been avoided if the companies were just more careful.

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