Monday, September 6, 2010

My Boys is Turning 3!

My li'l boy is turning 3 years old next month! Wow! I'm excited! I've already started asking him what he wants to do for his birthday and he said, he wants to invite his friends. Hmm.. I hope we can give him a small kiddie party. I'm sure he will be delighted. This will be our li'l boy's first party in Thailand. His first birthday party was in the Philippines and celebrated it with neighbors whom we were having an outreach. Then, his second birthday was in Malaysia with church kids. For this third birthday, I plan to invite Tricia's classmates since Lyle doesn't have much friends yet. It'll just be a simple kiddie party with games and food. There's no need to make it a costume party with super hero or pirate costumes. They can just come as they are.

I'm just thankful that God has blessed us with a son as our second born. Indeed, God has kept him healthy and strong for the past three years and I trust that God will continue to let our boy grow in His will.

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