Monday, October 4, 2010

Mondays = Off Day!

Yehey! It's official, Monday is now considered as off day for Hubby and the rest of the team. Whew! That's actually a great relief and we're thankful for this great news from our leaders. You see, for many weeks or maybe months (?) now, we have been busy with teams which usually comes during the weekend. So, even if Sunday is supposed to be a rest day but with teams and activities, there hasn't been much chance for the team to really have an off day which leaves everyone quite stressed and drained week after week.

I believe God is really wanting us to REST these days, not just in the physical sense but in every aspect of our lives. Just the other day, I read the passage in Streams in the desert which says,
"Not overwork but overflow". Straining and striving does not accomplish the work that God gives us to do.. but rather its our overflowing life that streams from our constant rest and trust in HIM.

It's really true, no matter how hard we work but all these is in vain if we do not constantly rest and trust God who is the source of everything.. but the more we rest and trust in HIM, everything else that's needed will just naturally overflow.

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