Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Healthy Drink

I've read a lot of articles and reviews about the benefits of drinking Green Tea. After being convinced of those articles written by the so-called experts, I bought a box of green tea that same week. But the days have passed by and so have weeks, but that box of green tea packets remained unopened and untouched.

For a few days after buying the box of tea, I was always deciding which one to drink for my morning breakfast, Tea or Coffee.. tea or coffee ,.. tea or coffee.. COFFEE!! Obviously, as a coffee lover, the benefits of green has always been shunned over my preference of that delicious cup of coffee.

And since it's accepted that I can never have tea with my morning breakfast, I'm now changing a little bit and have decided to drink my green tea before going to sleep. I've been drinking a cup of green tea for a few nights now. So, hopefully, I can still gain all the healthful benefits of green tea everyday.

And with this, I'm desiring to get a Christmas tea gift set, so my family and I with friends can enjoy Christmas tea during the holidays. It'll be nice to have those beautifully wrapped tea sets as a present. :)

1 comment:

grace said...

coffee me sa morning then tea sa evening...hahahah


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