Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Lyle's First Haircut

Oh, the joy and blessing that children give can neither be measure by gold nor silver! Thank you Lord for adding sweetness in our lives by giving us these precious gifts - our children.

It's just amazing how kids bring joy to a mother's heart that even a simple hair cut can be a cause of celebration. Yes, Lyle had his first hair cut in the barber shop last week. I was already prepared for whatever his reaction may be : cranky or active. But he surprised me indeed as he sat still in the barber's chair, giggled when he felt the shaver on his head and stared at his reflection in the mirror. Please forgive me but as a stage mom I can't help but say, "He looked so cutee!" Hehehe!

His haircut just went like a breeze. I even didn't realize that it was already done. Thanks to the barber who I think is an expert in handling kids. He also did his part to distract Lyle from chewing on the clip from 'robe' and entertained him when he was becoming uneasy. Thanks Salon de France at Limket Kai Mall.. :)


Anonymous said...

vain boy in the making? LOL. you are right... he looks so cute... and sooo adorable.

Bogie said...

Cute gyud kaau! azzzz in! Murag dakong tawo..he.he.he..

Unknown said...

Bisa very late na ang akong comment mo comment lang gihapon ko..ka behave jud sa ulitawong gamay oy.

Unknown said...

Bisa very late na ang akong comment mo comment lang gihapon ko..ka behave jud sa ulitawong gamay oy.


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