Friday, December 19, 2008

All About Bathtubs

I've never really appreciated 'bathtubs' until my friend , Janet taught me how to do body spa. From there on, I would be excited if the hotel we will be staying for holidays or conferences has bathtubs. I would then be bringing all our essential oils and other materials for the baths or spa. For a rose bath for example, I'll only need some rose petals and a few drops of rose essential oil. Put all that inside the warm bath tub and woolahh, you can dream your way to a nice relaxing bath.
There were times that we would go to Home Pro in Thailand and see all there display of whirlpool bathtubs and jacuzzis. I would be so amazed with such beautiful designs and the prices as well. I could just imagine how it would be inside those bathtubs. Heheheh!
Anyways, if ever we get to have our dream house come true, I'm sure there would be a bath tub in it! Hahah! Anyways, if you're also fond of bathtubs or looking for one. You might consider getting clawfoot tubs. It's such a cute tub that would be great for bathrooms that are not too spacious. I even found a great site that offers discount walk-in bathtubs. Anyways, I should not be checking these things out as of this time since, we're still not planning or even thinking of building a house yet. :)

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