Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Blessed New Year to ALL!!

A few more hours to go and we will all meet the year 2009! I just want to wish everyone to have a blessed and fruitful 2009!
I'm excited to meet the year 2009. It is going to be our Sabbath Year or our year of rest and refreshing. We had some big travel plans for 2009, but as my hubby and I reflected , we felt that it's not yet God's perfect time for us to push through with that Big Trip. So, we are now intently praying to what's God's best plan for the year to come. We are sure that God's plans are far much better than our own plans for indeed He has a greater purpose for everything. Amen!
Let us meet the coming year with a thankful heart to our God for the year 2008 and an expectant heart for God's miracles and blessings for the year 2009! We are blessed to be a blessing!

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