Tuesday, October 19, 2010

One Step Higher

Our house owner came yesterday with his contractors. They are already going to start working in our house this coming Thursday. They are actually going to raise our flooring a step higher. This will hopefully prevent the water from coming in our house whenever there's heavy rainfall.

We were actually so ready move out from the house after the water came inside the kithen and dining area a month ago, but then as we went around town to look for a new house, we just couldn't find any.

We are giving ourselves another week to look for a new house. We just want a simple 3 bedroom house with a garage so the kids can have a place to play outside. We don't want luxurious houses with bath tubs or fireplaces as this will also come with a price. If we couldn't find any house that's suitable for our family, we will have to stay back here. Hopefully with the house a step higher, the water won't be able to get inside the house anymore during the rainy season.

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