Sunday, October 24, 2010

Yummy Sunday- Burger! Burger!

It was our son's 3rd birthday last week and we had a kiddie party. One of the dishes we served were the chicken burgers. We had to ask our friend who came from Penang to bring us the burger patties from Malaysia because we couldn't find burger patties here in Hat Yai. Burger patties in Malaysia are also quite cheap.

I think the burgers turned out alright because out of the 30 burgers we made there were only 2 left overs. Considering that we also served other dishes. But the funny thing is that, after the party, when I opened the fridge, I saw the big packet of cheese slices inside. Uh, oh, we forgot to put the cheese!!! But it was too late... LOL!

For more Yummy Sunday Entries, please visit Bogie of Perfectly Blended.


Perfectly Blended said...

cute burger, Murag sayop imong nabutang na link. :)

Judy said...

exlinks ta ani nga blog ha.


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